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Everything posted by ShawnM

  1. Maybe I should have said "make the background transparent". The SCFLIER text and your pic will appear to float on the blue IPS background and you wouldn't have to worry about color matching anything because as you can see it doesn't quite match. If your happy........ Just offering my services to help.
  2. It has to do with the size of the graphic Dave has uploaded and what device you are viewing it on. It would look even better if he removed the background color and let the SCFLIER text and image float on the blue background. Then it would look perfect on any device or display size.
  3. That's right, I was talking with a friend who has a RV-12 but he is E-AB not E-LSA so he's allowed, I was confused. Thanks Duane.
  4. Just food for thought but another option to consider WHEN (NOT IF ) you convert to E-LSA is an in-flight adjustable prop. The Woodcomp SR3000N is worth looking into as well. You'll get the best of both worlds with lots of power during climb out and then trim for cruise and get better speeds. These are great props with many good reviews online and I've had contact with a guy in the UK who has one on his SportCruiser. It's electrically adjustable from the cockpit as it has it's own instrument in the panel.
  5. Thanks for addressing this Dave, the large logo is just that, LARGE. The smaller version is much better. I had it set on the "IPS" text so as not have the image take up my entire screen.
  6. I have a few projects I've started and want to wrap them up soon. Right now I need to get my flap controller completed. My new circuit board design will be here next week (finally after 3 revisions) and then I can assemble the controller and do some real world testing. Along with that is swapping out my non manual pull circuit breakers to what the new planes have so i can manually isolate any piece of electrical equipment in case of an issue. Now that I've dug deep into the electrical system with a lot of new avionics I want everything to be the best it can be. Then I'm installing an AOA and will tie it into the Dynon D-100 like it is designed for. Hello CSA, are you listening? I'm still researching ADS-B out solutions and have narrowed it down to a couple of options and I'm waiting on responses from those manufacturers. I have hardwired my Garmin GDL-39 3D (ADS-B in) into my system and it works wonderfully with the Aera 660. There are so many remote mount options now and they are getting smaller and less expensive everyday. When I did my new avionics stack I went ahead and added the wiring needed for most ADS-B boxes. Power, ground and the necessary RS-232 lines for communication between it the transponder and the GPS. I'm even adding it's own new circuit breaker when those arrive. Another project will be changing my nav/strobes to an all LED version. Right now my nav and position lights are LED but the strobes are still the old zenon style. I want to keep the system current draw to a minimum. Then who knows what.....
  7. Very good info FlyingMonkey and thanks for your insight. Interesting they charge for these MRA's. CSA should consider this as a new income stream. I am 100% in agreement with you on all your points. I also bounce my plans off my LSRMA for things I want to tackle and if it's a larger repair or mod I'll get his assistance and input. I also have an A&P a few hangars down if needed although the LSRMA is far better. It does surprise me how many owners/pilots won't even change their own oil. Everything I've done has improved the safety and make my workload less (which increases safety). Also having the latest avionics in my opinion can only increase the value of any aircraft. All my upgrades have been well documented. Going E-LSA was the best thing I did for my plane and my sanity after having dealt with CSA to try for an LOA.
  8. Couldn't agree more Wmlnce. Good documentation is key. I've seen aircraft that should never by flying that were signed off by real live A&P's. I wasn't trying to provoke you or single you out, just trying to make my point. There are some who feel just the opposite.
  9. Thanks guys. Bob, going from the 396 to the 660 is like going from reading your emails on your iPhone 6 to reading them on your iPad mini. Just look at the difference in the brightness of the screens. NO COMPARISON. The fact that I now have a touchscreen sectional in the GPS is awesome. Dave, light years ahead is an UNDERSTATEMENT. I know many of you guys have newer planes with all the latest gadgets but for us owners of the legacy aircraft it's like coming out of the stone age. This caveman like! The amount of data inside the 660 is unbelievable. And it shares that data with my new Garmin GTR-200 (and GTN series radios) and the transponder. Only 1 database to update. Since the radio is wired via RS-232 to the GPS the radio always knows where it is and will provide all airport frequencies for the 10 closest airports near me without me doing anything. While flying along I simply push the small freq knob on the right and then turn the large knob to scroll through all the airport freq groups nearest me. As you can see if my photo is gives you the freq information below the freq. Where it reads KZPH ASOS and KZPH UNI is automatic, I didn't add that label, it just knows! To select that freq push the small know and it loads that freq into the standby position. You would be amazed at how it will lessen your workload. If you have a legacy aircraft this is almost the best setup, only thing you'd change out is the transponder for the new Garmin 335 or 345 to add ADS-B in/out. All my new avionics fit right in the same holes with no modifications. Of Course I did machine the panel to install the AP-74 in the place of the old intercom that's no longer needed. The old intercom is just one more thing to go bad and draw valuable current from our system. Why CSA still installs the PM3000 in the new planes with the newest Garmin GTR and GTN series radios is beyond me. The radio has an amazing built in intercom far better and far more versatile then the PM3000. I digress so as not to get off topic and start banging my head against the wall trying to figure out why they do what they do, I'm over it now.
  10. Do you feel like you're banging your head up against a rock sometimes? Or maybe screaming into the mic "is this thing on?" Your preaching to the choir here Dave. The day I went E-LSA was like getting the 500 pound gorilla off my back. My plane is far safer today and less of a workload on me as the pilot and for that I have ZERO regrets. Regardless of the fact that some will argue the value of my plane has gone down, my plane is by far a safer plane to fly and to me that's "priceless".
  11. Thanks for the kind words Crusader16. I do love my new avionics. Here's a pic of them side by side. The "new" side is a little darker as it was taken inside my hangar shortly after the install. If you look close you can actually see TRAFFIC on the 660 from the GDL-39 3D unit. Again this was picking up traffic inside my hangar. N3113G is a Beech Bonanza SE of my hangar location at +69 which is 6900 feet above me on the ground. The flash did put a bit of glare on the 660 but you can see the GDL-39 3D working.
  12. Hi Bob, It is NOT approved and likely never will be. It's an amazing unit and even superior to the 796 as the touch screen is far better technology. Not to rain on anyone's parade but what Dave is giving away (GDL-39 3D) CAN NOT "legally" be "hardwired" into any S-LSA aircraft. It's not approved by CSA at this time. Will it be is anyone's guess. The GPS antenna maybe (depending on which one it is) and the ADS-B blade antenna also cannot be installed in any S-LSA. I converted my Sportcruiser to E-LSA so I could install the 660 in my panel. AirGizmo makes a panel dock that fits in the same hole as the 396,496 unit. I also added the new Garmin GTR-200 comm radio, hard wired in a GDL-39 3D ADS-B IN receiver and removed my PM Engineering intercom as the new Garmin radio has an awesome 3D stereo intercom built in. Making a decision now on ADS-B OUT to complete my new avionics. Shawn
  13. I agree with all Dave's comments, NO REGRETS AT ALL! I love my E-LSA aircraft. CSA's and Rotax time limits, SA's and SB's are mere "suggestions" now. I'm in the process of moving to Clearwater and I'll be joining my local EAA chapter at the next meeting in just over a week. Exciting. CSA does make the best LSA on the market in my opinion but unfortunately it stops there.
  14. To answer your question knowing what I know now about LOA's and how they work, my answer is a resounding YES. And yes it is a controversial topic but in my opinion as long as it's maintained "by the book" by skilled mechanics or technicians and well documented I'd buy one in an instant. It's all about doing your due diligence and know the aircraft that you are buying. When you tell someone it's "experimental" they immediately think "who built it?" The SportCruiser is still a "factory built" plane. Everyone one in the US was factory built. There is an enormous difference between and S-LSA converted to E-LSA and a E-AB aircraft. I know my S-LSA converted plane was built to the highest standards possible by the factory, no corners were cut during construction. You can never say that about an E-AB aircraft. You have to be sure that a buyer understands this first then explain to them the conversion and why it was done. As Bob pointed out, you now have the ability to upgrade old and obsolete avionics, add the latest safety features like ADS-B or AOA. Along with the many other upgrades you can do that you are not allowed to do as an S-LSA without factory permission. And as we all now know from experience this just isn't going to happen with CSA.
  15. Here's another news article from AOPA in March of 2015 where the FAA urged LSA manufacturers to move on ADS-B AND AOA. This has obviously fallen on deaf ears in the Czech Republic. The FAA sent this request to 65 LSA manufacturers. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2015/march/11/faa-urges-lsa-makers-to-move-on-ads-b-and-aoa.
  16. For those that want access to the actual TADS documents for the kit built SportCruiser, to see each individual MOD accepted by the LAA or download any of the docs here's the link: http://www.lightaircraftassociation.co.uk/gcse/search.html?q=tads+338
  17. I agree with Dave on his points and I'm willing to bet the 1320 limit is a conservative number for the all metal SportCruiser. Our same plane is made for the UK market and their MTOW is 600 kg or 1322 pounds. Is there a "fudge factor" built in, of course, will I test it, oh no!
  18. I believe the SportCruiser that Musicman bought is IFR equipped. I flew it in South Carolina before he bought it and it has a Garmin 430 and I believe the SL-30. Not 100% the 430 is the WAAS version or not. The previous owner did his IFR training in this plane but wasn't allowed to take his check ride in it of course. Maybe Musicman can tell us more about his equipment. Are we getting a bit off topic or is it just me?
  19. Well here's an update for my LOA request, a big fat NOTHING after 2 1/2 months! After emailing Patrick around my two month mark and he said he has not heard anything from CSA he gave me an email address to contact them directly. I've emailed 3 times with no response, not a word, nothing! I'll keep trying until they get sick of hearing from me, if they're not already! Squeaky wheel gets the oil, right?
  20. With the new proposed medical regulation this even more of a reason for all LSA manufacturers to work closely with their current owners to RETAIN them as owners. If the manufacturer alienates it's current owners for one reason or another how do they expect to keep them as owners and keep them from giving a bad review of the manufacturer or aircraft? Word of mouth in aviation is very powerful. Next thing you know owners are selling, flooding the market with LSA's and now the prices are dropping. If any manufacturer wants a stellar rating from it's owners they should take care of those owners, With prices where they are now it's only getting harder to get new customers. I'm just saying that they should take care of their current owners and work with them and not just brush them off. I'm willing to bet that all the current LOA requests are far from unreasonable and there are very few of them.
  21. Yes, we all know US Sport is not the problem. It's been stated here many, many times and no one is blaming them. They are just the middleman in the equation. I told Patrick again I understand it's not him but CSA, I'm just frustrated that I've heard nothing or had any request for more info or data in 2 months. How can this be? I told Patrick this is unacceptable to me and that I'd like some sort of update from CSA. He then seemed upset with me and simply told me to contact CSA myself. So I sent CSA an email and we'll see what happens. They'll probably tell me to contact US Sport for updates. I know the SportCruiser is only a part of US Sport and they service and sell other brands and types as well. They are dealers for other aircraft and also service certified aircraft. I can understand where Patrick can get frustrated with CSA as well since he has us breathing down his neck for answers and he's getting nothing from the factory.
  22. I got an email back from Patrick this morning. As of today I am now 2 months into the LOA process. Patricks response was "Nothing yet on any of the LOA's, I’ll press them". I replied to Patrick saying this was just unacceptable. Two months in and nothing? Patrick agreed with me that it's unacceptable and told me to contact them myself. I did email Patrick back for the name of his contact person at CSA for the LOA process but didn't receive an response as of this post. I sent an email over to the only person I know at CSA and to their general mailbox. I'll update everyone again if/when I get a response from them.
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